When available, Kernic System’s reconditions and sells used shredders for various applications. Inquire today to find out more about used shredders and how they can work for your business!

We currently have no used shredders in stock. Please check back soon or contact us to find out what Kernic Systems can do for your business!


Kernic Systems is Global Designer, Integrator and Installer of complete systems including, Air Conveying & Dust Collection Systems, Baling and Shredding Systems, Recycling Equipment and Industrial Vacuums. Our goal is to provide you with economical and quality solutions to your needs in any of the areas that we serve. We have a skilled staff, some of whom have worked with us for over 20 years.

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    Core Shredders for Corrugated Production

    Shredders - Core Shredders Core Shredders for Corrugated Production Operations Attention large corrugator operations! Are you struggling to efficiently process difficult-to-dispose-of paperboard cores? The PHH Core Shredder from Höcker Polytechnik GmbH can help! Kernic Systems is proud to offer the PHH 160 Series Core Shredder from stock. With these safe and efficient workhorses, you can streamline your material recovery [...]