In-Line Blanking Shredders from Hocker Polytechnik

FOLDING CARTON: In-Line Blanking Shredders from Hocker Polytechnik In-Line Blanking Shredders from Hocker Polytechnik High speed die cutters in the folding carton industry require modern solutions. Enter the PHSS In-line Blanking Shredder from Höcker Polytechnik GmbH. This modern solution for high-speed die cutters is the most efficient shredding system and is [...]

Turnkey Hocker Polytechnik Trim Extraction System

Premier Installation of a Turnkey Hocker Polytechnik Trim Extraction System Our North American partner, Kernic Systems, has just completed a first-class, premier installation of a new Höcker Polytechnik trim extraction system in Upstate New York. John Jurk (Kernic Systems) and Philipp Koch (Höcker Polytechnik) were on site for the completion of the [...]

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